23 December 2009

Out of Time? Let's Get Wrapping!

Are your packages wrapped?
Goodies packaged?
Nick-nacks assembled?
Don't stress. You still have A day!
Well today and tomorrow really.
You are running out of time. And quickly.

Here are a few quick packaging/wrapping ideas
to get you up and motivated to finish those
last minute gifts.

I heart the craftyness of these.

Good luck!

How cute are these?
All you do is get some jars - the $1 store
has a good selection - and chalk board paint. 
Mask off the area you want to paint.
Apply the chalk board paint.
Write the name and wa la!

I heart these takeout boxes -
available at most craft stores.
Grab some colored paper, or wrapping
paper and punch out festive shapes.
Apply double-sided tape and place them
on the box. Finish off with
holiday ribbon and your set.
Cuteness to go!
(Please remember to wrap your treats before putting them in)

Absolutely, positively one of my faves.
Why? It's simple and inexpensive.
Grab some paper lunch bags or a roll of butcher paper.
Go through your stash and pull out buttons. Lots of buttons.
If you don't have any run to the craft store and get some.
They are cheap.  Grab a variety.
Place button how ever you want.
Add some rafia (also cheap).
And there you go.
Who wouldn't smile when they see this?

Picture source: BHG.com