It's a sign of the times.
Things definitely have changed.
For me. This has been a good thing.
You can make it.
You just need to
MAKE a budget and STICK to it.
Yes, it's hard at first. Adjusting.
Getting away from the
just this once syndrome.
Discipline is what it takes.
The biggest hurdle for us:
Eating out.
It's so easy.
So quick.
No mess.
We used to say
"one night out won't hurt"
Well the one night turned into 3 and then to 4 and so on.
Before we knew it we were eating
out more than we were eating in.
Here are a few of our biggies...
1) Vehicle. If you are in the market for a new car think before you buy.
Don't buy brand new.
Did you know a brand new car depreciates once it is
driven off of the lot?
Get the best rate possible.
2) T.V. Cable. Did you know there are companies that combine
your satelite service, home phone and dsl all together?
Shop around. There are deals out there.
We had satelite through one company
and our home phone and dsl through another company.
Very recently we switched from satelite to cable and
now have all three combined. One company.
Wow! You can save a bundle.
Also, do you need all of the movie channels?
Do you ever watch them?
If not, get rid of them.
reminder: make sure you aren't in a contract
before switchng your service.
3) Cell phone. Oh boy. I need everything on my phone.
Being a Realtor I need to be accessible all of the time.
Those phone plans can be expensive.
Sometimes you just can't help this one.
But, give it a try anyway. Call your provider and ask
what your average monthly minutes are.
Then ask if there is a lower plan (if applicable).
Take advantage of your free minutes (if you have them).
Our provider has friends and family minutes.
Does your provider have something like that?
Does your provider have something like that?
We are now taking advantage of friends and family minutes.
Don't be ashamed. Just ask.
4) Grocery shopping. This is so easy.
Where do you shop? Do they have a rewards card?
Are they known for being uber cheap?
Do you love the wearhouse stores
but throw away more than you eat?
So many things to think about.
We recently tried shopping at a new place that is known
for their low prices. Then bought produce from
our regular store. We will visit the farmer's markets
as soon as they come back. YAY!
We took our receipt from that shopping trip to
our regular store and found out that we saved
almost half on almost every item.
AMAZING. I would have never thought
about this before.
5) Clothes. Shoes. Accessories. Yes we all need them. HA!
Go online and register at your favorite places.
They send coupons, secret sale info &
only stuff to their 'fans'.
Hmmm... it's worth the time to me.
Did you know that the coupons are good at
the outlet stores too?
(unless otherwise stated)
I must say, I have never had an issue.
knock on wood
6) The Thermostat. Check your settings. Do you really need
the heat running until it hits 73 or 75? Set that baby at 69
and use a blanket or wear a sweatshirt.
That is so much more cozy in the winter anyway.
(in my opinion)
This one was a tuffy for us to get used too.
We were determined. We were focused.
Now it's easy and not even a second thought.
6) The Thermostat. Check your settings. Do you really need
the heat running until it hits 73 or 75? Set that baby at 69
and use a blanket or wear a sweatshirt.
That is so much more cozy in the winter anyway.
(in my opinion)
This one was a tuffy for us to get used too.
We were determined. We were focused.
Now it's easy and not even a second thought.
I sure hope these couple of easy things will help a peep or two.
Most important thing to remember is
sometimes the most convenient way
isn't the best way.
Good luck!