04 March 2010

A favorite room

I am lucky to have a husband
that understands my love for
old, antique, vintage things.

My obsession has gotten worse. I think.
I can't wait to go shopping. All of the time.
Anyway, in our house I have a guest bedroom
which is where most of my old, antique, vintage
goodies are located.

In this room the majority of
the things are passed down
from our grandparents and great grandparents.
I love this too.  Family heritage is important.

Anyway, here are some photos.
Keep in mind, room is not done.
I want to add some foliage and get
an iron bed frame (currently on the hunt).

Accept my apologies for the poor photo quality.
I used my blackberry, not my sony.

really love the etched glass

And my favorite thing in the room...possibly in my entire house:
this felt painting of brother and I.
Thanks Dad for sending this to me!

P.S. Undiagnosed insomnia update:
I actually got 5.25 hours of uninterrupted sleep last night.
Fingers crossed that happens again!