Weeknights are crazy in our house.
Hubber and I both work.
Daughter has school and softball practice or lessons.
When we get home we eat dinner {only sometimes this happens before practice}.
If not before then after which makes for a late night.
This is happening 4 nights a week. Yep during the week.
We like it though so it's cool. And we manage to still eat healthy ... most of the time.
I can tell you one thing; we are drinking gallons of water. True story.
Here is the confession ... I don't clean during the week.
Well, I do clean the cat box and the kitchen {most nights}.
I always wipe down my sink in the morning with the towel I took off my head.
I like a shiny faucet.
This morning I started the dishwasher.
(before work)
(before work)
We can squeeze in a few loads of laundry. And I do pick up clutter {sometimes}.
Daughter has chores but we always help her. She is busy too.
And now with Mr. Whiskers ... sheesh! He is cute though.
(stay tuned for the 8 minute video she made on my phone)
There is just no time to clean like I want ~ during the week.
Bottom line ... during the week, this is our life.
No the glove was not staged for a photo. This is where she set it while
she grabbed a glass of water and a piece of garlic bread.
Guess what? It stayed there until the next evening. :o)
Weekend mornings are busy ones for sure ... when we are in town.
Cleaning and laundry are the priority. Oh and now Mr. Whiskers too.
Happy weeknight cleaning to you! Now where is my broom -
I have to be somewhere. :o)
Until tomorrow ...