One of my most favorite things to do in the winter
(besides ski) is knit. I love LOVE love it.
I can make lots of stuff too. {pat pat on my back}
Hubber's mom and grandma are master knitters - I just gave them
this title and boy does it fit perfectly.
You should see the stuff these ladies can crank out!
Staci (sister-in-law) and I are thankful for their abilities especially if we
attempt to make something that may be a little on the
tuff side (he hem ... a sweater). Yes, Staci has made a
sweater but I am to chicken la la to take on that task right now.
SO ... my first project of the year is going to be this, most likely in a
different color. Isn't this such a cute tote?
I may be casting on more than I can knit initially but
I'm sure I'll be fine. Afterall, the Master Knitters are always available.
Project to start Thanksgiving weekend. I'll keep you posted.