This one is so easy and so fun - daughter loves it! As a matter of fact, she makes this ice cream with all of her friends that come over. Thank you Summer Art Camp for the recipe.
Here you go ...
All you'll need:
1/2 cup Milk
2 tablespoons Sugar
1/2 teaspoon Vanilla Extract
1 tablespoon of flavoring (chocolate powder, kool-aid, etc)
6 tablespoons Salt -> don't worry, this does not go in the ice cream. :o)
Small sealable plastic bag (aka, Ziplocs)
Large sealable plastic bag (aka, Ziplocs)
All you'll do:
Place Milk, Sugar, Vanilla Extract and Flavor in small ziploc and seal.
Fill large ziploc 3/4 full of ice and add the salt. Bury the small bag in the ice in the large bag.
Shake for 10-15 minutes.
Tah dah! Ice cream. Told you it was easy. :o)