19 February 2010

The Peeps from Podunk, NV

So they don't really live in a town called Podunk.
It's just what I call where they live.
Small town. No stop lights. One school for:
elementary, middle and high schools.
Seriously all in one.

We were so happy that they came for a visit.
Our dear friends,
Amber.  Darin.  Austin.  Trent.
It had been a while since we saw them.
Too long really.

Here are a few photos I took from the weekend:

Austin and Trent - ADORABLE!
miss them already

We had a great dinner with them and another great family,
DeAnna. Josh. Kaylei.

Great friends, yummy dinner
and a fantastic time! It was awesome.

DeAnna brought her amazing homemade ice cream pies

Kaylei decided to sleep over with the kids
so Sunday morning we made the
Choo Choo Cupcakes (from previous post).

Amber and I made this one...


Another fabulous weekend has passed
but there are so many more to come.