27 February 2010

Saturday Wake Me Up

I have been so tired lately.
Not sleeping well (I think I have some level of insomnia athough never medically diagnosed).
Lately I have been a napper. True story.
I NEVER used to nap. Not even while pregnant. Another true story.
Because of my 'naps' I feel like I am not getting enough done SO I have decided to revive the coffee/expresso machine!
Thanks to my SUPER DUPER big brother. He got me this (photo above) for my birthday, oh 5 maybe 7 years ago.
I am embarrassed to say I haven't used it since about 6 months after I got the goody. (Pretty accurate guess)
Lazy? Probably. :). The great thing is it's still like brand new! Wink wink
I also like to think of this whole making my coffee at home thing as one more step towards our budgeting efforts. And I like it!
Well, back to the bacon. Enjoy your day.
(First post ever from my blackberry. I hope it comes out ok.)

Liz Leppanen, Realtor (916)275-5511 VGC Real Estate Group #01820535