Whoa! I was recently thinking about how many shows we record.
I mean seriously, it's A LOT.
One would think we (the busiest little family) wouldn't have time to keep up with
all of the shows I am about to list but we do. Truth is it's down time for Hubber & I.
During the week, when all is said and done we like to unwind with our shows.
I can do a lot while watching t.v. I fold the laundry. I organize my craftyness. I put pictures in frames. I knit (starting up again soon - something for my mom). Stretch. Basically, what ever can be done while sitting there I do. Remember, we are the busiest little family. Even though this is our down time I still like to do the little things. And HELLO, keeping up on laundry is a must.
Our watch list (includes all shows) is:
American Idol, The Amazing Race, Survivor, Real Housewives of OC, NJ, NY, Bev Hills (crazy I know, I'm hooked), Chase, Hawaii 5-O, White Collar, Castle, Modern Family, Cougar Town, Big Bang Theory, Bev Hills 90210, Grey's Anatomy, Private Practice, Desparate Housewives, Dateline, 20/20, Keeping Up with the Kardash (Miami and soon NY), Top Chef, Deadliest Catch, Alaska Wing Men (New - starts tonight), Kimora Lee: Life in the Fab Lane, Cake Boss, Dog The Bounty Hunter (don't judge), The Bachelor/Bachelorette, phew! I may be forgetting a few.
Hubber doesn't watch some of these shows which works out for me. I watch those while
I'm working out since I don't like to watch workout videos.
Do you have a watch list? I know you do. :O)
PS, hoping to have my sewing machine next month.
PS, hoping to have my sewing machine next month.