Hello Peeps. I wanted to share some tips with you today.
Pretty fitting for a Thursday don'tcha think? Thursday Tip Day.
(real quick, I made this. Cute huh?)
The following tips have helped me better myself and I am proud of what I have accomplished. It feels pretty good to wake up happy and go to bed just as happy. So, I thought I would share with you what has worked for me in hopes that you too can be happy.
This is a forever work in progress but these small easy things have helped me get started. Seeing my results so far keep me motivated to stay on the right path.
{Health} If you've been a follower of this blog you know I have been working towards a healthier lifestyle; eating better and exercising more. It's really just that easy.
#1 ~ Eat less. Move more.
#2 ~ Do yoga stretches, sit-ups and push-ups for at least 7 minutes each
morning. Thank you Dr. Oz.
#3 ~ Have at least one veggie with dinner - start with the veggie.
#4 ~ Portion control. This is tuff to get used to. Just stick with it.
#5 ~ Drink at least 32 oz of water a day. Add fresh fruit if you need to.
#6 ~ Drink at least 2 cups of green tea a day.
#7 ~ Try not to stress as much. I maintain my 'it could be worse' thinking
anytime something challenging comes my way.
{Life} I love my life. It's complete with family, friends & challenges and triumphs. I truly believe every thing happens for a reason. I call the good 'blessings' and the bad 'experience'. I don't hold grudges and I am not judgemental - anymore. :o) I've grown up.
#8 ~ Laugh often. Seriously. On top of being a feel good moment you can
actually burn calories.
#9 ~ repeat Try not to stress as much. I maintain my 'it could be worse'
thinking anytime something challenging comes my way.
#10 ~ Keep a tidy home. If you work all day the last thing you want to do is
sit in a dirty house. Don't feel like you need to mass clean every day.
Do a few things a couple times a week.
#11 ~ Be confident. Don't worry what others think. Just be yourself.
#12 ~ Make time for family and friends. A good get-together always get me
laughing. :o) GAME NIGHTS are good.
#13 ~ Take $ from each paycheck and set it aside for a rainy day. We all can
do this if we focus.
#14 ~ Have a filing system for your bills by due date. This is good for us.
#15 ~ Share how your day went with your loved ones and ask about theirs.
Every day.
#16 ~ Prioritze and Organize.
#17 ~ Communication is key.
Well that's it for now. Nothing too elaborate or complicated.
Have a great day!