This past weekend our coach (aka Hubber) spontaneously signed us up for the NSA Vacaville Kick-off Tournament. He did this because we got rained out last Sunday and he wanted the team to get as many games in as possible before our ASA tounament this coming weekend. We the parents were all fine with this ... I think. :o)
On Saturday we had a bright and early 8 am game which meant we had to be at the field at 6:45. Yep, 6:45am. We played 3 games and won all three of those games. Scores: 8-0; 11-0; 8-1. Go Mizuno!
Being seeded #1 for the playoffs on Sunday we automatically got the bye Sunday morning. This meant our first game was not until 11 so we didn't have to be to the field until 9:45. I must say I have never been so happy to hear '9:45am'. :o)
Game 1 was an intense one. We were losing 3-2 in the last inning. Thankfully we were home team and were able to have the last at bats. Our talented team of pure awesomeness pulled it off and ended up scoring 3 more runs giving us the win 5-3. Phew! I have never seen our cheering section so excited! It was pretty cool to watch. On to the championship game we went. Which by the way was 20 minutes after that first game.
Game 2 - Championship game - was also a great game. We were tied 5-5 in the last inning. Unfortunately, the team we were playing, Concord Lady Liberty, scored a run. The score was 6-5 as we went up to bat. We didn't get any more runs scored so we took runner-up for this tournament.
We were all happy with this as the entire team played very well. The girls had fun and were excited to get the trophy and a medal.
Look at all of their smiles. Ahh ... such a great group of girls.
(Not pictured: Sophie. If she was there she'd be smiling too.)
Now on to the week ahead which includes work, school, homework, softball league game, conditioning, softball practice and I have got to get on the treadmill every night. My 5k is in two weeks! WHOA!