06 May 2011

flashback friday ~~~ family

I love LOVE love this feature. I love most things old and vintage which is probably the reason. :o) I like that I find so many interesting facts and pictures when I am doing research for these posts which is why I keep on truckin' with this one. Love me some learnin'. Ok, enough with the twang, let's move on.

My D.A.D. & Momma 2 are in town! Yup, for a whole 10 days.  Well they are heading over from San Francisco as I type but they will be here soon. Their plane landed last night. With the time change and being exhausted from the long travel they decided to shack up in the city.

Here are some oldies but goodies ...

{Dad and I. Dang I'm a cutie. ;o)}

{Yep, I was an eater back then too.}

{I went for a visit when they lived in MI in June 1997}

Happy Weekend!