Hi y'all. It's been a while since poor little Jeter has had an update so here we go ...
This little rascal has been growing so fast and getting in to so much. HA! I keep saying having a puppy is like having a toddler. We don't rest until he is sleeping. Seriously. He is cute when he sleeps and he is big enough to make a nice pillow pup.
Jeter turned 4 months old last week and had his final shots. Yep, time is flying. Attn :: Potty Training People. Please let this kick in - STAT. Thanks! He is doing much better but it's just not done yet. :o/
He has been to many, many softball games recently and played with all of the little siblings while he was there. Jeter gets LOTS of attention from everyone.
Jeter was smuggled into his first hotel for an away tournament we had. Don't tell, k?
Jeter and Daughter are little buddies. She loves that little guy just like he is her real life brother. He can now jump on her bed! Can you believe it? I can. He is like a puppy po-go stick!
Most recently we were out of town for softball {again} but couldn't bring the puppy. The facility didn't allow animals. So he had to go to a puppy hotel for the first time. We were nervous but he was fine. The little guy even met two new friends while he was there. Jeter had such a good time during his stay that he slept for a while when we got him home.
Ahh ... such a lovie.
More to come. Enjoy the weekend!