This past weekend was busy around the house on Saturday and relaxing in Sunday. You see, we are so busy with softball that it is hard to take the time to do little things like staking the itty bitty tree backup up in the front yard. When there is no softball we have to tackle our to do lists and tackle them quickly. :o)
In a nutshell we: staked the itty bitty tree, went grocery shopping, did two loads of laundry (yes only 2. Don't judge), fixed our screen door (fell victim to Jeter) and cleaned the pool. Then finally, dinner in Roseville.
Sunday was slow to start in the morning. Daughter had softball practice so I hung out with my dad and mom2. We went to the BX on McClellan. My dad used to be stationed there back in the day so he wanted to see what everything looked like now. Then we hit the movies --- Thor. I enjoyed it and think I may be hooked - dang it! I need to rent Iron Man now.
Sunday evening we had dinner at Brother's house. Mmm ... it was delicious!

Well dinner at brother's is always delicious.