07 October 2011

a Fall love {it's a fashion thing}

One of my favorite things about Fall is the fact I get to bust out all of my cozy clothes that have been tucked away for months while sweating out the Summer. I [heart] Summer, I do.  It’s just by the end of it I am ready for the cool down. Ready for the cozy clothes. Ready for my boots.  I am a boot lover.  I might be addicted to them actually.

How cute is this outfit?

I put this cute little outfit together on Pinterest.  Gosh I [heart] that site. It's fun. You should check it out if you haven't already. Just beware: It's addicting.

As I am typing this post I am wondering if my mother-in-law or Grandma Flossie can make a sweater like this. I absolutely love it! I'm going to check on this.

Have a great weekend y'all! I am required to check on this sweater now.
