18 May 2010

Do you have a child 12 or younger? Yes! Read on...

Check THIS out!

Borders Books is Double Dog Daring
our kids to read this summer!

Reading is good for the brain people.
  Take the dare and let me
know how your kids do.

I know my daughter will be doing this as
part of her summer brain sessions.

What are summer brain sessions you ask?
Ok, I will tell you.

We have our daughter continue
school work over the summer, a few hours a day,
to keep her mind engaged.
2 1/2 months is a long time to be
out of the grind...you know what I mean?

So, we go to the book store at the end of
every school year and buy her
workbooks for the following year.

Next week we will be purchasing
5th grade workbooks! WHA?!
Where did the time go?!

What do your kids do over the summer?

Email me!

P.S. I just made up Summer Brain Sessions.
Cute huh!