13 September 2009

Softball Sunday


Dad and I are so proud of how much you have progressed in softball. From the day you first put on a mit two months ago to scoring a run in your game today. You are doing great!  You hung in there for 5 hours. Double header with warm-ups do really take that long.  Your team plays very well together.  I especially like how you guys encourage your pitcher and shout the number of outs the batting team has when you are in the outfield, "good one pitcher!" & "two outs Stingers!".  We can't wait until next week!  Keep up the awesome play!

Oh and one more thing, please be nice and smile when I take your picture.  I signed up to be the team picture taker so I would appreciate a teeth showing smile from time to time. After all you did choose your team colors for the bands on your braces. :)
