05 August 2010

Bieber Fever! To a 9 3/4 year old anyway

If you ask daughter her age she will tell
you 9 3/4.
Hmm ... do you think she is excited about the
upcoming double digit birthday?
I think she is just a bit.

A few months ago my friend asked if Kylee and I
would want to go to the Justin Bieber
concert with her and Hailey (her daughter).
Uh of course!
I mean really, with all of the posters
she has on her wall I just knew she would be
uber excited.

With the tickets purchased {floor seats}
and the million excuses I had to come up
with on the fly to explain why we could not
go to the concert ... we arrive

at BJs Last night:
We gathered for Hailey's birthday dinner.
Kylee thought she was invited to just
have dinner with one of her besties on her
birthday.  Ahhh .. so sweet but not so much.
hee hee tee hee hee
As we sit there Jen pulls out this box
with a cute bow on it.

Hailey opens the box which has 2
Bieber exclusive magazines and a note.
She reads the note which says they
are going to the concert but it doesn't sink
in at first.  They were a little shocked.
(Kylee got her birthday present early)

Then Jen and I had to explain that they
were going to the Justin Bieber concert in October.
OHHHH! You could see the lightbulbs and the huge smiles
and giggles that followed.

Ya, they were excited!

Jen and I are very excited to take them.
We are even going to tailgate with water and
Subway sandwiches.
I really can't wait to see them get at googly-eyed when
they see that little Bieber kid.

P.S. Since we have floor seats I am going to let them
run to the stage until security tells us they can't.
Why not let them get the full experience. Right?
After all, I got to at New Kids on The Block
way back when.  Ok, enough of that.

Enjoy your day!  Until tomorrow ...